Sunday, May 31, 2020


I find it absolutely despicable each time I read about some people "ratting" on others who are not wearing masks nor social distancing or reopening businesses against state/city orders. This is exactly the encouraged behavior within Sturmabteilung and Hitlerjugend during the Nazi Party's rise to power and thereafter. Thus I shall re-post my May 21st post...

"The mask, more than any other measure, best symbolize the audacious tyranny as well gratuitous servility.

So much so the latter, it has created and marked an elitist class of arrogant obedience, perversely empowering the masked many with contempt towards the unmasked few, even covetously emboldened to report, arrest, judge, condemn and punish the dissenter as self-serving, all the while narcissistically sporting the conformity and docility as some sort of trendy apparel and fashion statement."

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