Monday, August 26, 2019

Saving the soul of America

Among some Democrats, there is the rhetoric "saving the soul of America", most recently reiterated by celebrity Rob Reiner representing said "soul of America" and the people he assumes require his insight. Arrogance, presumption, narcissism; just a few words that come to mind.

The implication of course is to save America from Trump and Trumpsters as though the parties and respective presidents are methodically even ideologically that different. Much in the same way many ranted about saving America from Obama's Socialism while overlooking their own form of the same ism.

My point.

Whether it is the rhetorical "soul of America", politicians' use of "the people", or the pollsters' long standing reference to the black vote, women vote, rural vote, urban vote, etc., there is the relentless attempt to singularize incalculable number of individuals thus opinions, preferences, interests, objectives and so on. People should find such profiling, generalizing  or deemphasizing thus dehumanizing of the individual as insulting even appalling.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Such Illogic, Inconsistency and Immorality

Many will slander as greedy, selfish anyone who prefers keeping, saving, investing even consuming, using what he/she have earned while expecting nothing from others. Meanwhile the same will praise as empathetic, benevolent anyone who proposes to forcefully confiscate what others have earned so to transfer a percentage to him/herself, some to corporate cronies and the rest to those who demand others' earnings as their right.

On the other side of the same coin...

Many will slander as unpatriotic, unsympathetic anyone who prefers minding his/her own business while allowing others to do likewise regardless the perceived or promulgated necessity or urgency abroad. Meanwhile the same will praise as patriotic, sympathetic anyone who proposes to forcefully confiscate what others have earned so to transfer a percentage to him/herself, some to corporate cronies and the rest to those recruited to overtly invade and occupy, covertly operate and disrupt, as well indiscriminately thus inhumanely bomb and drone.

Is it any wonder as to why government would impose compulsory, publicly funded education in order to cleverly mold and shape children from 5 to 18 years old into adults predisposed to such illogic, inconsistency and immorality.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

We live in a complex society because of STATISM

We do not live in a complex society because of some modernism editorialized, politicized and theorized by journalists, officials or professors. Rather, we live in a complex society because of STATISM coveted, seized and imposed by parasites, cronies and oligarchs. Expansive polity, excessive legality, not progressive technology, have complicated and compounded then complicate and compound further intimate, private, religious, social and economic life unprecedented in history.

Pause and consider. We are not actually overwhelmed by the unknowns or complexities about computers, mobile phones or internet as some would suggest. Instead, we act on what is known thus barter and purchase these things at local stores or online, then learn and apply their uses, and carry on with the newly acquired benefits. Whether considering dishwasher soap, light bulb, lawn mower or satellite dish, the unknowns or complexities are of little to no concern. This is true for everyone from the least to the most educated.

We are however quite complexed knowingly or unknowingly by the laws, taxes, regulations, preventions, prohibitions, subsidies, grants, (government) loans surrounding these same aforementioned activities then compounded by tariffs, sanctions, bans, embargoes, disturbingly more so by censure as well censor, surveillance, militarized policing, covert operations, overt preemptions, weapons of mass destruction, foreign wars, perpetual wars as well rumors of wars. The psychological cost by such political, legal burdens levied by STATISM have yet been fully acknowledged, studied, understood, and certainly not accounted thus rightly blamed.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

PERVERSION... A logical definition

PERVERSION... to prefer and practice some perceived good, morality, kindness, charity, prevention, safety, moderation, etc., however remain discontented even disturbed until others are forced to do likewise. Upon clearly stated disagreement by some of the same others, the perversion and covetousness swell into presumption then arrogance, exhibited by intrusive criticism, disrespectful insistence, emotional rant, slanderous categorization, personal defamation, ultimately, forms of political, legal force by legislation. regulation, taxation, sanction, nationalization, subsidization, militarization and more. At this juncture, the perversion is fully exposed, well manifested although never satiated per yet another perceived good, morality, kindness, charity, prevention, safety, moderation, etc.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Monday, August 19, 2019

18th Amendment / Volstead Act, applicable lessons to learn

If there are applicable lessons to learn before any further attempts to eliminate guns, surely the failures to do similar by the 18th Amendment / Volstead Act would be a good starting point if not conclusive evidence. Yet in the minds of the many historically naive thus delusional, additional regulation or prohibition will somehow work this time.

Of course, as the economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) indicated numerous times in his writings, new regulations to fix, compliment or enhance should prove to the casual observer the failures and flaws of past regulations. Yet again, in the minds of the many historically naive thus delusional, additional regulation or prohibition will somehow work this time.

Therefore my consistent admonition whether this or any other political issue; RESCISSION only, not more legislation.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

"Every Socialist is a disguised dictator." Ludwig von Mises (economist, 1881-1973)

"Every Socialist is a disguised dictator." Ludwig von Mises (economist, 1881-1973) also pointed out elsewhere to further explain, "The planner is a potential dictator who wants to deprive all other people of the power to plan and act according to their own plans. He aims at one thing only: the exclusive absolute pre-eminence of his own plan."

One could logically apply the same quote and truism to Militarists, Crony-Capitalists (not the same as proper Capitalists), Democrats, Republicans, (of late) some misguided Libertarians as well Socialists. For all have in common the same dictatorial methodology by covetously seeking enough support or consent for political planks or platforms so to forcefully impose upon those who do not support thus do not consent. The only differences are numbers. Consequently, it matters not whether such forceful, unethical imposition is decided by monarchy, oligarchy, theocracy, democracy, and more.

And so it unavoidably goes, without unanimous consent there remains an unresolvable ethical dilemma.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Politicians and celebrities should lead by example

Politicians and celebrities who emotionally rant and politically support disarming citizens should appropriately lead by example per disarming themselves as well their entourage and gated-community security. Only then their anti-gun rhetoric would be marginally noteworthy while absolutely ethical thus singularly rightful for individuals to either consent and do likewise, or dissent and carry on.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Stop judging individuals based on their race, profession, gender, religion ... Tulsi Gabbard

"Some Republicans are good, and some Republicans are bad. Some Democrats are good, and some Democrats are bad. There are good police, and there are bad police. There are good black people and bad black people. There are good white people and bad white people... We need to stop judging individuals based on their race, profession, gender, religion, or anything other than their own individual behavior and character."

Tulsi Gabbard

War veteran, US congresswoman from Hawaii and Democrat presidential candidate.

Isn't it interesting when one dares to think critically, speak reasonably as well respectively, thus think and speak contrary to political, social trends to "divide and conquer" by slander, hate and fear, that person too will be a recipient of the same deplorable treatment even from within his/her own party.

Gabbard's preference to respect instead of slander, hate and fear as well her anti regime change war position, combined with a willingness to critically while factually articulate other candidates' political track record (i.e. latest debate), have recently earned her another barrage of baseless accusations by Kamala Harris and Harris' campaign manager as a puppet of Putin, collaborator with Russia and an apologist for Assad. Since Harris is a favorite among Democrat establishment and their corporate cronies, this should not be surprising.

Do not mistakenly equate my compliments of Gabbard per the aforementioned as an endorsement of all planks thus her entire political platform. It is merely enough to rightly judge, logically assess therefore point out particularly noteworthy statements, postures and characteristics whether her's or anyone else's.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Will you stand for the humanity of the Yemeni people? ... Tulsi Gabbard

Regarding Saudis' warmongering in Yemen, co-initiated and co-funded per Obama/Clinton's policies, thus far continued under Trump's administration, a recent statement by Congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard....

"Will you stand for the humanity of the Yemeni people? Will you stand against Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war? Or will you continue to support this war that has caused 22 million Yemeni people to be in desperate need of humanitarian aid? To cause these 85,000 children to have died from starvation, to have caused the dropping of U.S.-made bombs on innocent civilians, killing tens of thousands of people. This is such an urgent action that must be taken by the United States Congress to assert its authority and end United States support for this genocidal war in Yemen."

Interestingly, Gabbard is the only Democrat who "consistently" criticizes US foreign/war policies, particularly regime-change wars, even when fellow-partisan Obama was president. By comparison, candidates Harris, Biden, Warren, Sanders and others either completely endorse all US warmongering, or mostly so when convenient to slander a Republican policy/decision. Thus for her stand against US regime-change wars and general warmongering, Tulsi Gabbard is marginalized by her party and popular media just as former congressman and Republican/Libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul was similarly marginalized even scoffed.

Important Note:
It should not be surprising Kamala Harris is as militarily hawkish as Hillary Clinton, for the former has suspiciously inherited much of the latter's campaign support from corporations of the military complex as well other major industries. If elected (as a prediction), Harris just may supersede the horrific atrocities committed by Obama/Clinton in Syria, Libya, Yemen and more.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.