We do not live in a complex society because of some modernism editorialized, politicized and theorized by journalists, officials or professors. Rather, we live in a complex society because of STATISM coveted, seized and imposed by parasites, cronies and oligarchs. Expansive polity, excessive legality, not progressive technology, have complicated and compounded then complicate and compound further intimate, private, religious, social and economic life unprecedented in history.
Pause and consider. We are not actually overwhelmed by the unknowns or complexities about computers, mobile phones or internet as some would suggest. Instead, we act on what is known thus barter and purchase these things at local stores or online, then learn and apply their uses, and carry on with the newly acquired benefits. Whether considering dishwasher soap, light bulb, lawn mower or satellite dish, the unknowns or complexities are of little to no concern. This is true for everyone from the least to the most educated.
We are however quite complexed knowingly or unknowingly by the laws, taxes, regulations, preventions, prohibitions, subsidies, grants, (government) loans surrounding these same aforementioned activities then compounded by tariffs, sanctions, bans, embargoes, disturbingly more so by censure as well censor, surveillance, militarized policing, covert operations, overt preemptions, weapons of mass destruction, foreign wars, perpetual wars as well rumors of wars. The psychological cost by such political, legal burdens levied by STATISM have yet been fully acknowledged, studied, understood, and certainly not accounted thus rightly blamed.
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.