Monday, August 26, 2019

Saving the soul of America

Among some Democrats, there is the rhetoric "saving the soul of America", most recently reiterated by celebrity Rob Reiner representing said "soul of America" and the people he assumes require his insight. Arrogance, presumption, narcissism; just a few words that come to mind.

The implication of course is to save America from Trump and Trumpsters as though the parties and respective presidents are methodically even ideologically that different. Much in the same way many ranted about saving America from Obama's Socialism while overlooking their own form of the same ism.

My point.

Whether it is the rhetorical "soul of America", politicians' use of "the people", or the pollsters' long standing reference to the black vote, women vote, rural vote, urban vote, etc., there is the relentless attempt to singularize incalculable number of individuals thus opinions, preferences, interests, objectives and so on. People should find such profiling, generalizing  or deemphasizing thus dehumanizing of the individual as insulting even appalling.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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