Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Stop judging individuals based on their race, profession, gender, religion ... Tulsi Gabbard

"Some Republicans are good, and some Republicans are bad. Some Democrats are good, and some Democrats are bad. There are good police, and there are bad police. There are good black people and bad black people. There are good white people and bad white people... We need to stop judging individuals based on their race, profession, gender, religion, or anything other than their own individual behavior and character."

Tulsi Gabbard

War veteran, US congresswoman from Hawaii and Democrat presidential candidate.

Isn't it interesting when one dares to think critically, speak reasonably as well respectively, thus think and speak contrary to political, social trends to "divide and conquer" by slander, hate and fear, that person too will be a recipient of the same deplorable treatment even from within his/her own party.

Gabbard's preference to respect instead of slander, hate and fear as well her anti regime change war position, combined with a willingness to critically while factually articulate other candidates' political track record (i.e. latest debate), have recently earned her another barrage of baseless accusations by Kamala Harris and Harris' campaign manager as a puppet of Putin, collaborator with Russia and an apologist for Assad. Since Harris is a favorite among Democrat establishment and their corporate cronies, this should not be surprising.

Do not mistakenly equate my compliments of Gabbard per the aforementioned as an endorsement of all planks thus her entire political platform. It is merely enough to rightly judge, logically assess therefore point out particularly noteworthy statements, postures and characteristics whether her's or anyone else's.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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