Thursday, August 1, 2019

Will you stand for the humanity of the Yemeni people? ... Tulsi Gabbard

Regarding Saudis' warmongering in Yemen, co-initiated and co-funded per Obama/Clinton's policies, thus far continued under Trump's administration, a recent statement by Congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard....

"Will you stand for the humanity of the Yemeni people? Will you stand against Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war? Or will you continue to support this war that has caused 22 million Yemeni people to be in desperate need of humanitarian aid? To cause these 85,000 children to have died from starvation, to have caused the dropping of U.S.-made bombs on innocent civilians, killing tens of thousands of people. This is such an urgent action that must be taken by the United States Congress to assert its authority and end United States support for this genocidal war in Yemen."

Interestingly, Gabbard is the only Democrat who "consistently" criticizes US foreign/war policies, particularly regime-change wars, even when fellow-partisan Obama was president. By comparison, candidates Harris, Biden, Warren, Sanders and others either completely endorse all US warmongering, or mostly so when convenient to slander a Republican policy/decision. Thus for her stand against US regime-change wars and general warmongering, Tulsi Gabbard is marginalized by her party and popular media just as former congressman and Republican/Libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul was similarly marginalized even scoffed.

Important Note:
It should not be surprising Kamala Harris is as militarily hawkish as Hillary Clinton, for the former has suspiciously inherited much of the latter's campaign support from corporations of the military complex as well other major industries. If elected (as a prediction), Harris just may supersede the horrific atrocities committed by Obama/Clinton in Syria, Libya, Yemen and more.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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