Sunday, January 14, 2018


Most likely to be published later this spring of 2018, my 10th book currently entitled; 100 Proems & Poems on the HUMAN ABILITY to REASON, HUMAN RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover below merely a working version....

PROEM & POEM No. 86 - What Is Tyranny, What Is Slavery / 1st Reprise

      Compare and equate further by including as Slavery’s perpetrators and benefactors the slave owners, families/friends, taskmasters (policy enforcers), merchants, political accomplices, and more as well an array of supporters appeased by gifts, banquets/parties, donations, patronages, wills, etc. Compare and equate further still by including as Tyranny’s perpetrators and benefactors the kings, dictators, prime ministers, presidents, counsels, parties, parliaments, congresses, bureaucrats (policy enforcers along with police and military), contractors, cronies, social accomplices and more as well an array of supporters appeased by funds, grants, loans, subsidies, entitlements, etc.

      Now compare and equate yet again Slavery with Tyranny by considering their common objective(s); to presumptuously benefit from others’ labor in various measures partial or total, by forcefully confiscating products and wages, as well forcefully conscripting their services. Alternatively, it is the same as saying the confiscation and conscription of all human time in the form of slavery, or a percentage of human time in the form of taxation, impoundment, incarceration, military draft, nationalization of companies or industries and so on, always preceded knowingly or unknowingly by the disrespect and disregard the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, inseparably the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent.


Te Deum laudamus” hence “Te Vexillum spondemus”
 “Te Vexillum spondemus” ergo “Te Imperium laudamus”
Individualism nailed to cross, thrown to funeral pyre
Per the appeasing luminal for whores o’er abetted fires


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Copyright © 2016-2018 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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