Monday, May 31, 2021

U.S. public education have so conditioned the American Mind...

U.S. public education have so conditioned the American Mind, when considering governmental changes and political solutions, the Imagination have been rendered to pursue no further than merely swapping the politician in office for another and/or swapping the major party in power for the other.

So obtuse the American Mind, when confronted with logical, ethical and sustainable arguments in favor of rescission, rescission and more rescission, the usual counter arguments always without evidence, without justification are returned; strawman, hypothetical, fantasy, chaotic, unsafe and more. The common attempt to explain their case often result to one-liners; "liberty must be regulated", "freedom must be responsible" (code for controlled), or my favorite, "you can't let people be free to do what they want!" Oddly of course, the same person per last quote would have no issue with people in government free to do what they want.

Consequently, this rudderless country long unprincipled will dullishly carry on, flipping back and forth between the two major parties, thus the same worn-out preparation for the midterm elections of 2022 as conducted many times during the 20th/21st centuries.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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