Saturday, May 15, 2021

Empirically inescapable the conflict between political presumption versus personal prerogative...

Proem & Poem No. 100 - So What Is Individualism / Reprise (taken from my 10th book)

As part of any family, clan, social club, religious organization, ideological institution, school or university, political party or government, country or union, a person never ceases to be individual. Even upon acquiescing and subjecting individuality to collectivity, a person never ceases to reason thus consent (or not) to arrangements, that is, weighing cost versus benefit among options, whether under threat of nonpolitical violence or political force versus the absence of the same. Such naturally logical deliberations by innately reasonable individuals precede and coincide all collective arrangements, for both initial and continual participation. Collective action thus existence depends on individual action thus existence. If not so, then why Collectives’ ever-present and ever-growing expense to convince as well coerce both consenting Individuals as well dissenting Individuals also ever-present and ever-growing?

Again, for as much those among polity reason and consent to “this or that” for themselves and presumptuously on behalf of others, so equally do those among the citizenry reason and consent to “that or this” for themselves. Empirically inescapable the conflict between political presumption versus personal prerogative, for each and every person inwardly expects as well outwardly demands the respect and regard for their own Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, inseparably the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent.


O Pax Humanum , carissimum te esse mibi, connaturally
Companionably, he then she, Libertatem, consequently
Inferably feral the human reasoning, soon the consenting
Or attuned dissenting, if impugned the fuckin’ shackling


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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