Monday, May 31, 2021

So how shall Memorial Day be honored and celebrated this year? Certainly not for the Liberty quickly tossed aside...

The promulgated narrative for 245 years; America fought and still fight the numerous wars first here then abroad to procure then protect Liberty. Accordingly, those of uniform were honored and celebrated upon the many Memorial and Veteran Days past. 

However, fearfully even willingly and supportively Americans allowed Tyranny to reign for the last 15 months, so how shall Memorial Day be honored and celebrated this year? Certainly not for the Liberty quickly tossed aside to the gutter with no genuine regard for those who narratively fought for it.

SHAME on Americans for the forgoing of Liberty allegedly beloved per songs, hymns, anthems, pledges, speeches, declarations, statues and plagues. Yet worst, SHAME on Americans for the government wars fought NOT for Liberty but covetously, presumptuously waged even warmonger'ed for control, gain thus power, with no regard for those who fought in them, with no regard for those who died by them.

Liberty will never be restored by simply voting another politician into office, another party into power. For in so doing, today's grossly excessive governance here and abroad were preceded by decades of incremental excessiveness tolerated, allowed, preferred, supported even desired by both polity and citizenry. Rescission is the only logical, ethical as well sustainable remedy.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor. till last Breath.

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