Monday, May 10, 2021

Firstly, we are inherently aware of the human preference to consent... Secondly, we are strangely, quite darkly perverted...

 Quote and installment taken from my 10th book appropriately 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters (Aug 2018) preceding the topical sequel and 11th book More Proems & Poems on the same....

Commentary II - Subjected, Enslaved, Citizen’ed

      Like infants subjected by birth on the King's sovereign land, bound to obey and work else be severely punished, without consent of the parents or child. Like infants enslaved by birth on the Master's owned land, bound to obey and work else be severely punished, without consent of the parents or child. So are infants citizen'ed by birth on the State's governed lands, bound to obey legislative laws, bureaucratic regulations, judicial decisions and executive orders, sacrificially work per taxes, fees, fines, tariffs else be severely punished, without consent of the parents or child.
      Were they subjects to Kings, slaves to Masters or citizens to States by consent? No! Identically, one (born here) is not an American by choice therefore do not consent to the political, social, public arrangement called United States. The infants in all three scenarios, if not becoming restlessly resentful, may resign to the coercion or imposed arrangements over time, but to resign is not the same as to consent.
      Some would say I am and should feel duty bound as a Citizen, Patriot, that is, to be a true American. To that I retort. Am I duty bound to an uninvited intrusion by anyone into my home without my consent. Am I duty bound to unwanted demands by anyone for my money, food, clothes, possessions and property without my consent? Am I duty bound to an undesirable sexual activity with anyone without my consent? Am I duty bound to ________  (fill in the blank) involving anyone without my consent? No, no, no and NO!

      The mere raising of imaginary differences between the aforementioned examples and political systems/processes, is indicative of a person's political and social inconsistencies certainly, but of ethical and moral lack as well. So I ask...
      Why then do we justify political arrangements per arbitrary democratic processes or majority rule's brutish forces, when there are always those who consent of course, but there are always those who do NOT consent or dissent. Do we not resent the method when resulting to travel bans, immigration restrictions or taxes, yet embrace the same method when resulting to healthcare programs, park/highway projects or wars? Unfortunately, the political/social dichotomies can be endlessly exemplified, thus the dire state of affairs.
      Our inconsistencies suggest two noteworthy facts. Firstly, we are inherently aware of the human preference to consent or not consent (dissent) on all matters, for it is affirmed by our contentment even happiness when situations are so, sadness even anger when it is not. To go empirically further, we determine right versus wrong, moral versus immoral, by our consent versus dissent. Secondly, we are strangely, quite darkly perverted, for when content or happy per our satiated preferences, others' denied preferences thus their sadness and anger, are of little or no concern.


Subjects to kings, slaves to masters, citizens to states
Coveting the things by alabaster lies for wanton fetes
Emotions cascade per cases made upon fabrications
Elaborated then exasperated, for mass promulgations


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2021 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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