Wednesday, June 26, 2019

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 123

Most likely to be published later this fall/winter of 2019/2020, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 123 - Burden of Responsibility and Risk / 4th Reprise

      Empirically, causally, logically expanding the interconnections among various scenarios and dilemmas as done thus far (see Nos. 117-120) seems near endless per the human mind’s limitations to learn and discern all possibilities. For all Politics are perpetual remonstrations, frictions, agitations, ultimately collisions between the Consenting well deluded by intentions, well motivated by covetousness, well convinced by presumption therefore exacting force therefore violence of various manifestations upon the Dissenting peculiarly reasoned thus determined by prioritization, singularly righted thus validated by predilection. Covetousness is unequivocally at the core of Politics’ every possible form and probable folly, whether democracy, oligarchy or tyranny, if populism, elitism or despotism, in case of communism, fascism or cronyism along with socialism, as well rule by majority, minority or one-and-only regardless the iteration, intricate and intention.

      So it is imperative to note the same aforementioned Covetousness intrigues and incites the mind to transfer to other person(s) one’s own burden of responsibility and risk by conversation, negotiation then persuasion along with exhortation else roguish coercion, that is to say, force criminally per choice backed by personal gun or force politically per vote backed by government gun, consequentially as well unethically indistinguishable the two methods. Onward, the covetously sanguine mind wanders in self-deception, seeking some fantastical notion of personal heaven-on-earth, narcissistically thus selfishly shuffling off reality’s mortal coil or humanity’s natural state by casting aside with an avaricious shrug the burden of responsibility and risk.

      If pursued privately, sooner or later exhausted is either others’ goodwill or willingness, else one’s own resources to coerce them to accommodate. However if ensued politically, sustainability hence success is perceived, falsely of course, per the scheme’s duration well underwritten per mass extortion by taxation upon income/profit, mass appropriation by confiscation of lands, properties, minerals, waters, etc. and mass (debt) monetization  by monopolization over currency. At end of either downward path lies an unavoidable day of reckoning as death itself, the easily apparent former well within one’s lifetime, the equally unapparent latter over decades even generations. And until either inevitable end however, the codependent behavior continues, exasperates and accelerates due to the lack of natural constraints imposed by bearing one’s own burden of responsibility and risk.


O Covetousness! Sin of Sins, preceding all others
Succeeding as main rudder, most insatiable of lovers
Mother of Presumption then Arrogance and Violence
Yet well rouged (like French whores) as Benevolence

Plainsongs swinging while Bohemian throngs singing
Strongly rehearsing as though wronged thus cursing
Provoking the entitled, revoking each and every title
Invoking their righteous mantles like goddamn idylls


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2019 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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