Sunday, January 20, 2019

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 108

Most likely to be published later this summer of 2019, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 108 - What Are Possessions / Reprise

      When confiscation occurs by government's taxation without consent, when devaluation occurs by central bank's inflation without consent, in actuality it is the confiscation and devaluation in segments of a person’s lifespan without consent. With a person’s consent of course, these political arrangements do not transgress as confiscation or devaluation no more donating an amount to an organization or bestowing a gift to a friend or family. With a person’s consent such acts political or private are charity or generosity, without a person’s consent the same acts political or private are confiscatory or larceny.

      Only an intellectual psychosis induced by political, social, consequently educational propaganda (or publicly funded brainwashing) prevents the otherwise logically thus rightly self-interested mind to perceive these acts as larcenous or thievish. The psychosis, or disconnect from reality, is exacerbated by government’s persisting indoctrination combined with society’s unrelenting promulgation, starkly contrary to a person’s capability, if left unmolested, to empirically observe and determine. Worse still, the intellectual illness digresses irreversibly upon conjuring then formalizing lists of rights (see Nos. 19-21, 47) morally condemning even severely punishing quite normal, rightful behavior over personal possession and property.

      The aforementioned dilemma will remain unresolved while it is obliviously ignored or opportunistically discounted hence axiomatically, inevitably exasperated by all Isms save one; Individualism's respect for each person's Peculiar Human Ability to Reason therefore regard for each person's Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters intimate, private, philosophical, spiritual, theological, public, social, political, consequently, ethical.


Threshing unto floor the humanity liken wheat amongst chaff
As demigods masturbate presuppositions on erected flagstaffs
On behalf of course the chattel’ed masses, delusional en masse
Lovely their chassé, never passé, envying rings politically brass

Alas the crevasse betwixt unfashionable realities and fantasies
Sentimentally drafted or academically crafted as tho’ accuracies
Mid throes of neglected perjuries, naiveties upon covetousness
Along presumptuousness in cold name of sociopathic kindness


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2018 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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