Thursday, January 24, 2019

Presidential campaign slogans have much in common...

Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again", Barack Obama's "Change We Can Believe In" or "Forward", George W. Bush's "Moving America Forward" or "Yes, America Can" and Bill Clinton's "For People For Change" have much more in common than respective supporters among polity and citizenry would like to admit.

Let us set aside for a moment the politically convenient demonizing of one particular slogan. Each slogan implies and proposes a message two-pronged; "the previous four years were lacking, and the next four years will be better if elected." Alternatively put, "the president failed, but as your president I will succeed." Of course there is always some new and improved society promulgated over podiums, along with an array of legislation to get there. The result is more government proposed on top of more government added by the last administration, on top of more government added by the prior administration, and so on.

Why is the current demonizing of one particular slogan politically convenient? For gravely ignored is the army of devils in the details (if you will); the ever-increasing Statism cloaked by all these slogans, proliferated throughout all campaign planks and platforms, therefore the legislation, policies and executive orders to follow. Whether motivated by racism (as some alleges), sexism (or any other biases actually) but more likely (and worst) nationalism, patriotism, centralism, socialism, collectivism, cronyism, favoritism, monetarism, paternalism, interventionism, expansionism, exceptionalism, militarism, imperialism and more, all these coexisting characteristics of Statism, well represented by the aforementioned slogans, stand in violent opposition to Individualism.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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