Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Libertarian orthodoxy

Libertarian orthodoxy does not mean to be some sentimental sort of Joe Minuteman with Bible and Constitution in pouch as well musket in hand, ready to support or fight in any US war in the name of freedom and goodness. If so, it is a slightly lighter version of Democrat/Republican paradoxy. Instead, it should cause an ethical and practical opposition towards all US wars, even rightly question the morality thus necessity for the American Civil even Revolutionary Wars.

First. Most other countries ended the inhumanity of slavery without the inhumanity of a civil war, including the British Empire in 1833. If nothing else, one should inquire as to the actual motive, starting with the forceful preservation of a burgeoning empire well coveted by most American politicians including the president at the time. An alternative noteworthy view can be found among the unique writings by the ardent abolitionist as well secessionist Lysander Spooner (1808-1887).

Second. National Independence is NOT the same as Individual Liberty nor is it or a war necessary prerequisites. Again, most other countries ruled by the British Empire obtained their sovereignty or autonomy without a long, bloody war. The motley crew of impatient founders instigated the revolutionary war, some with misguided notions, others with ill intent, as immediately proven by taxes and laws shortly thereafter similar to that preceding West Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion. It would be well worth one's time to consider the topically related book Democracy: The God That Failed by economic professor and philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

Over the term Libertarianism, this poet prefer Individualism, even slightly more so (though not much more) to Ludwig von Mises' Classical Liberalism (his book is a "must read"). Why? Regardless the term, if personal liberty, freedom or sovereignty is one's objective, then ultimately it is the arrival to and regard for the Individual's singular right to consent or not consent on all matters. Literally, on all matters thus all other terms and so-called rights are secondary, most likely inconsequential if not erroneous hence detrimental.

I'm well aware this post steps on most everyone's toes. Though many will give lip-service to the individual right to consent or dissent on all matters, but in reality only on "some" matters so to politically, forcefully maintain their emotionally worshiped sacred cow(s).

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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