PROEM & POEM No. 95 - Sum of All Isms / Reprise
O violent the devil, disheveling the order amid the chaos
Such tranquil séance o’er table-risings for heinous cause
Upon hiatus the interest in truth, hence endless the excuse
Persistent by the ruse and magic per the tactic and muse
All Isms save one can be summed up as Collectivism imposed by Centralism, that is to say, the presumptuous use of political force by the consenting one, some, few, many or most upon the dissenting others. By using weapons of mass destruction, the Economic Bomb (central banking, see Nos. 81-82, 91-92) and the Academic Bomb (central/public education, Nos. 93-94), far reaching policies are exacted upon the whole economy and entire citizenry, resulting to weak otherwise sound currency while weak otherwise sound mind (Nos. 5, 71-73).
Democracy per the consenting many or most, no more justifies their preferred Ism (use of force) than do Monarchy, Aristocracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Meritocracy, Theocracy (and more) per the consenting one, some or few. Similarly, while shrewdly appearing benevolent and preventive, Socialism and Paternalism no more justify dependency upon Cronyism, Fascism or Communism for forceful implementation, than the obviously destructive Militarism and evidently intrusive Police-Statism dependent also on the same.
To imperatively belabor the point, all Isms inherently, unavoidably, unethically even monstrously disrespect and disregard the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, inseparably the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent, although save one; Individualism.
O violent the devil, disheveling the order amid the chaos
Such tranquil séance o’er table-risings for heinous cause
Upon hiatus the interest in truth, hence endless the excuse
Persistent by the ruse and magic per the tactic and muse
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.