PROEM & POEM No. 16 - Language Confounded / 1st Reprise ~
Presently, language is confounded further by political leaders, crony journalists as well opportunistic activists and lobbyists circumventing appropriately necessary topical essays, theses and books, in favor of tritely repetitive slogans, chants, sound-bites, tweets, vids, blogs and slanders, to explain postures and positions. Worst, some even presume lofty as though Attic orators or logographers of ancient Greece, rather the mere plastic heads ceaselessly talking, mundanely blogging and generally, unsubstantially maligning per political convenience.
In 21st century logically declining American culture, other than a disagreeable intellectual opinion or an opposing political view, what do words exactly mean like far-right, far-left, extremist, racist, nationalist, socialist, fascist, anti-fascist, hater even fake news, internet troll and more? It is astonishing how such gravely misused words of very particular definitions as well flamboyantly inflammatory characterization or name-calling are widely uttered at the height of U.S. public education system(s).
As such, schools and universities have either academically failed in educating thus nurturing and facilitating, or they have politically succeeded in propagandizing thus manipulating and circumventing the Human Ability to Reason, the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent.
In 21st century logically declining American culture, other than a disagreeable intellectual opinion or an opposing political view, what do words exactly mean like far-right, far-left, extremist, racist, nationalist, socialist, fascist, anti-fascist, hater even fake news, internet troll and more? It is astonishing how such gravely misused words of very particular definitions as well flamboyantly inflammatory characterization or name-calling are widely uttered at the height of U.S. public education system(s).
As such, schools and universities have either academically failed in educating thus nurturing and facilitating, or they have politically succeeded in propagandizing thus manipulating and circumventing the Human Ability to Reason, the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent.
Adolescent ears suckle academia’s bosom-tones supple
Millennial ears slurp polity and media’s lyrics clitoral
Carl-Jung’ing the promulgated archetypal dreamscapes
As souls whore to bodies for collectivism’s lovely rapes
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
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