Saturday, January 22, 2022

12th Book on Ability to Reason, Right to Consent; Proposition, Problem & Poem No. 262

Most likely to be published later this summer of 2022, my 12th book entitled appropriately; Propositions, Problems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the 10th and 11th books...


~ Capacity, Ability, Proximity, Longevity / 2nd Reprise ~

To recollect then summarize (see Proposition, Problem & Poem Nos. 255, 256) for the purpose of equating terms, consider the following.

1. Limited Capacity (e * 1 = finite energy)…
                        that is to say, Non-Omnipotence.

2. Limited Ability (s * 1 = finite skills)…

                        that is to say, Non-Omniscience.

3. Limited Proximity (x * 1, y * 1, z * 1 = finite space)…
                        combined with…

4. Limited Longevity (t * 1 = finite time)
                        that is to say, Non-Omnipresence.

It is paramount to understand non-omnipresence else limited proximity/limited longevity as representing both a single point (x * 1, y * 1, z * 1) or location in the universe, as well a single point (t) or moment in time. To compare, again consider the following.

1. Unlimited Capacity (e * ∞ = infinite energy).

            that is to say, Omnipotence.

2. Unlimited Ability (s * ∞ = infinite skills).

                        that is to say, Omniscience.

3. Unlimited Proximity (x * ∞, y * ∞, z * ∞ = infinite space).

            combined with…

4. Unlimited Longevity (t * ∞ = infinite time).

            that is to say, Omnipresence.

It is also paramount to understand omnipresence else unlimited proximity/unlimited longevity as representing both all points (x * ∞, y * ∞, z * ∞) or locations in the universe, as well all points (t * ∞) or moments in time.

Why review this particularly tedious comparison? As paramount to dwell on this matter, if not to study, ponder, labor over it, still those endowed with power, wealth, education thus office, status, prestige will persist then insist to covetously presume then arrogantly violate as suffered, burdened, tolerated, allowed, encouraged even cherished by others without power, wealth, education thus without office, status, prestige, as though the former superior to the latter inferior.

Therefore contemplating the Infinite state of Divinity (e * ∞, s * ∞, x * ∞, y * ∞, z * ∞, t * ∞) whether actual versus hypothetical per individual convictions, while comparing to the Finite state of Humanity (e * 1, s * 1, x * 1, y * 1, z * 1, t * 1) solely actual, quite notably inhibited and restricted each and every member of the specie human to a similarly although respectively precise even minute point, regardless the perceived extent of one’s existence and experience. So much so should be the constantly humble posture, any tempted suggestion, notion, hint, inkling towards aggrandizement, ascendency, affection, amour-propre of self-worth as relatively beyond others’ worth would be consistently, unquestionably, immediately covetousness, presumption, arrogance and if to act then often the violation of another.

However, as astonishing of course the superiority postured by the presumptuous contenders hence arrogant subjugators, far more appalling however the inferiority postured by the submissive consenters hence deliberate submitters. With that said, always the disposition hoped per publicly funded education (see Proem & Poem Nos. 81, 82, 91-94). To be bold and bona fide, near perversion (see below definition) to esteem others in such ways, likely the projection of one’s own covetousness, presumption and arrogance onto those endowed and empowered to act on behalf.

For sake of reference, the word defined accordingly, logically, consistently; ethically. Perversion; per the most contemptible, abominable, barbarous, nefarious as well depraved, reprobated of definitions; for one to consent or dissent on all matters per his/her preference, yet remain discontented, disconcerted even disturbed until others act, speak even think compatibly, similarly by force legal or illegal. It is critical to include in consideration and understanding the word and sentiment covetousness as the indisputable perquisite to such perversion.


Ah the autocrat along with the democrat, their might as their right
Whether minority over majority or majority over minority, the fight
`Tween consenters then dissenters, presumption versus preference
Polity against citizenry, and so goes the governance as arrogance 

Some declare “Our inheritance!” on behalf of the whole yet part
If not self-interest of one or few, to covet then presume at start
To collaborate, collude, conspire as conventions or committees
O public the postured moralities, private the prevailing fugacities


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2022 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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