Thursday, December 9, 2021

Quote and article by Prince Michael von Liechtenstein...

"The quip “L’Etat, c’est moi,” or “I am the state,” is attributed to him. For her part, the chancellor ignored legal limitations and the long-term interests of her republic, and instead made decisions based on political expediency or “feel-good” morality." --- Prince Michael von Liechtenstein

In United States, many currently assume the critique would also apply to one particular party, when in fact both major parties and respective politicians have shamefully behaved accordingly for decades. President Biden's current rule-by-mandate may be "slightly" unprecedented but certainly not new, particularly upon the era of perpetual warmongering (war on terror) in the Mideast along with the rise of mass surveillance foreign and domestic. For logically, one must contend that today's expanded despotism in America was made possible by past incremental expansions of the same.

Interestingly, Dr Fauci's "I am Science!" rings quite familiar, too closely thus concerningly similar to King Louis XIV's "I am the State!"

The Merkel Era and the Danger of Centralization, by Prince Michael von Liechtenstein...

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