Wednesday, December 8, 2021

It is one thing for Democrat supporters to still follow their political party's disinformation and propaganda, quite another for Republican supporters to have learned nothing...

It is one thing for Democrat supporters to still follow their political party's disinformation and propaganda, quite another for Republican supporters to have learned nothing thus still follow their political party's disinformation and propaganda.

A political party's priorities are always to win elections, occupy offices, gain control, acquire power while principles routinely compromised even abandoned, presumption then corruption inevitably ensuing. To compare party platforms is merely comparing various governmentally coercive means for various politically convenient ends, that is to say, consenters forcefully, immorally imposing upon dissenters.

If one's primary objectives are freedom, privacy, responsibility, individualism then RESCISSION over further LEGISLATION the only logical means to such ethical ends.

To define consistently INDIVIDUALISM; the consistent regard for each and every person's Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on ALL matters, hence inseparably the constant respect for each and every person's Peculiar Human Ability to Reason.

My 12th book (image), the 3rd of a trilogy, forthcoming perhaps spring or summer of 2022. Meanwhile, see links below...

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