Wednesday, December 15, 2021

During a 9-10 month Jack-Kerouac-esque solo road trip, I wrote short/brief verses in various cities, towns, sticks and islands, then compiled as my 8th book...

During a 9-10 month Jack-Kerouac-esque solo road trip, I wrote short/brief verses in various cities, towns, sticks and islands, then compiled as my 8th book. Used lowercase and random format as a pseudo-homage to American poets of modernist, lost generation, beat eras...

11 sep 2013
balboa peninsula, calif.
she spoke slow o'er wine's flow
`neath searchlights glowing low
he wrote, later from tomb
how he felt, earlier in womb
thence knelt he to her nous of soul
her shadowy crevices of confession
by lovely alchemical depictions
thus his dark corners of rumination
in oddly perennial versification


3 oct 2013
nampa, ida.
the verb fucks the sentence
by the nouns and raw senses
confessing and/or molesting
until an adjective releases


3 nov 2013
friday harbor, san juan is.
november's kiss then cool caress
before icy grind by winter's bite
and frore finesse mid endless night
yet, for now, the autumn's end
oh contentment, tho' death foments
his shrouded smirk, hence to it
wrenching a grin per smile within


10 nov 2013
mill bay, b.c.
bedewed coolly by rainfall's fate
subdued by the sustained spate
resisting the hate else the cost
moments lost and trodden into sod

5 dec 2013
jerome/goodyear, ariz.
passions then causes oft are strewn
as painted vases broken when thrown
upon the floor mid tokens and scores
clay shatters, yea, nothing matters
save nails black, along nape and back
making taut the slack, per avid trace
of new lace, laid as ancient thrace
coital faces paired to a sable table
edges hand-grappled by fear repelled
and love's chagrin, again, to defend
their yearnings' eternal wanderings


16 apr 2014
key largo, fla.
o sorceress of the wayward isles
graced and styled by mantles wild
'tween stints like cafe aisles
flitting mid the grins and wiles
as well the grails of coveted guile

25 sep 2014
oxford, miss.
dear polity and popularity...
know the hex in your legal violence
in your sex, all swallowed by silence
truths' tender for lies' counterfeit
guile print in vile mass as holy writ
tho' regal as goddamn demigod-notions
such convulsions mid your compulsions
...sincerely, individuality


See link for this book and others...

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