Monday, June 7, 2021

Two Propositions with Justifications then brief Conclusion on Human Nature and Government Power...

Two Propositions with Justifications then brief Conclusion on Human Nature and Government Power...

The below as part of the ever-growing rough notes while studying for my next and 12th book project, to be the 3rd book in topical series; Further Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters.

1a. Proposition; it is not that any one person may be corrupt, rather each and every person therefore human nature is corrupt.

1b. Justification; whether contending observably, consistently, theologically "all have sinned" or observably, consistently, logically "all propend towards error and excess", either posture compounds then complicates, exasperates then expands per humanity as non-divinity therefore non-omnipresent or limited existence, non-omniscient or limited knowledge, non-omnipotent or limited capability. Within this context humanity unavoidably covets, envies, presumes, angers, imposes and violates, restrained solely by bearing ethically one's own responsibility and risk else bore by another voluntarily thus unwisely or forcefully thus immorally. The only alternative argument is humanity possessing none of the aforementioned inherencies hence perfection or nearly so; a consideration obviously fantastical while ignorant narcissistically else arrogant covetously.

2a. Proposition; it is not that government power may be corruptive, rather government power is always corruptive. 

2b. Justification; power, whether governmental or other forms, enables then encourages even excites the mitigation of responsibility and risk, unleashing humanity's innate covetousness, presumptuousness, excessiveness, erroneousness and varieties thereof. Rare and few the persons able to resist the temptation. So much so, well concocted the political sciences, isms, ideologies, nothing more than clever twists and turns of words and phrases by academia and intelligentsia seductively funded, whorishly subsidized by those who covetously seek governmental power, that is, the power over others' person, preference, possession and property.

3. Conclusion; if corrupt each and every person, and if corruptive always government power, then upon endowing person(s) corrupt with governmental power(s) corruptive, corruption will exasperate then compound, expand then complicate and do so accumulatively perhaps exponentially.

More to come...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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