Tuesday, June 22, 2021

As another sweltry June eve approaches... The MEMPHIS NIGHTCLUB MURDERS & Other Poetic Mysteries (2017)...

As another sweltry June eve approaches in Mississippi, it should not so arrive without rye on rocks garnished by mint, and poetically complimented with a Peter Gunn-esque murder mystery... :-)

Rhyme on Rye No. 23

“As gun-smoked films noir, and hate-stoked dames are
The unexpected usually, unsuspected presumably starred
In spars and schemes bizarre, to mar, scar, for all to see
O her revenge cold, as barren wold or endless cruel seas”

Rhyme on Rye No. 27

“Whiskey douses whole; love’s affairs, later life’s wares
Staring fraught, dreaming lost, such insistence for despair
Fairest not the ego, darkest the soul ergo, forever 3:00 AM
Suspending in goddamn ends, while pretending to begin”

Rhyme on Rye No. 30

“Adrenaline’s mind-fuck, within bars’ muck and swap
Prating malaprops, inflating luck, amid vomit mopped
Aft tricks nonstop, such belated drops; blood and tears
Fitly, propensities’ mud in humanity’s coils and gears”

Rhymes from the collection The MEMPHIS NIGHTCLUB MURDERS & Other Poetic Mysteries (2017). See site or click on pics for more information.

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