Saturday, May 4, 2019

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 116

Most likely to be published later this summer or fall of 2019, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 116 - What Is Politics / 4th Reprise

      Though risking the appearance of redundancy, intellectual density, brevity and/or vanity compounded by psychological naivety, sensitivity and/or frailty necessitate logical reiteration over and over again. Hence my apologies for insistently saying so thus persistently doing so.

      All politics are discussions then implementations of "force" disguised by expedient and/or benevolent terms, intellectualized as intriguing, alluring, endearing even titillating isms, however achieved by the sufficient gathering and colluding of the consented so to coerce the dissented. Imperatively as well axiomatically the moral burden of proof rests on those who embrace their preferred form of politics as something other than first covetousness followed by presumption then arrogance and finally violence manifested as nothing more than force arbitrarily legalized.

      While composing the prior paragraph, an event transpired that properly exemplify; Scots demonstrating (once again) in favor of national independence. Although media’s usual slipshod methods reported conflicting numbers in participation, it matters not whether it was most, many, some, few or just one for the sake of argument. For among the various events in recent years of similar intent and purpose were supporters of secession so to (ironically) rejoin the European Union upon Great Britain’s departure (i.e. Brexit). Others still would prefer the status quo of course, while a few eccentrics (per this poet’s sympathies) romanticize the autonomy of clans to be as modern city-states. Obviously, there was, still is and never will be agreement.

      Let us be clear, without exception the aforementioned factions politically argue on equally arbitrary grounds. For it is also quite true, the consent of the majority is not the same as the consent of the people, that is, the consent of each and every affected individual, contrary to the usual arrogance by politicians and journalists promulgating on behalf of the citizenry as a whole. Logically, the majority is categorically on par with the minority, elite even tyrant, all seeking sufficient consent so to forcefully impose, coercively intrude upon the remaining dissent. It is at this critically unavoidable juncture the ethical dilemma prevails as irresolvable per any political, societal or communal suggestion less than consensual unanimity.


Firstly cursed then allayed, perversely flayed as well filleted
(In the name of Common Good, the Goddess grandly laded
And paraded she or he as shaman the goddamn straw-man)
Individualism thus versed at tierce as pyres blaze by demand

Ayn Rand prophesied with an authoritatively novel shrug
Contra to government’s grain and socialists’ psychedelic drug
Ludwig von Mises wrote in stride along praxeological fashion
As did Frederic Bastiat, decades prior, with stylistic passion

Insomuch of Reason, much like inamoratos, such paramours
Ah garments of truth they bore (like the Pauline whole armour)
Still as then, from wars of yore to whores of modern pharaohs
Posing as Logic’s Moses, forewarning of death-angel’s shadows

Though vulnerable to the vultures, among polity then majority
And the covetous; feasting, fucking, fighting as highest priority
Biased morality as well (if one could proverbially call it that)
Upon climatic superficiality per erudite masturbators’ tit-for-tat


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2019 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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