Thursday, May 30, 2019

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 119

Most likely to be published later this fall/winter of 2019/2020, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 119 - Burden of Responsibility and Risk / 2nd Reprise

      In addition to the considerations of the previous two proems, there is the issue of human time irrecoverable. An issue overlooked or underemphasized, so much so, perhaps recklessly, callously even barbarously.  Human activities are of course actions played out along timelines, segments of time. To live is to act, to act is to live, therefore to live, to act, is time spent unavoidably as well irrecoverably. Obviously elementary to intellectually grasp else presumptuous to suggest otherwise, yet apparently too avant-garde (to say kindly) or annoyingly inconvenient to politically, socially embrace or at least empathize.

      Why this seemingly granular point thus tedious effort. It is ethically critical to logically combine one’s various human activities of imposition, intrusion, intervention, interference, impoundment thus the categorical transference of the burden of risk and responsibility, as not only negatively affecting the labor and/or resource of another but irrecoverably consuming a segment of human time between the latter’s birth and death. To boringly elaborate, the time between womb and tomb is unknown, of course. To boorishly reiterate, the time between womb and tomb could be one moment, one day, one week, one month, one year, one decade, or one lifetime of 70-90 years. Therefore two affected individuals’ similar costs per another’s of imposition, intrusion, intervention, interference, impoundment thus the categorical transference of the burden of risk and responsibility, would have the same absolute lost of human time irrecoverable however potentially quite different relative lost of human time irrecoverable.

      Consequently, one individual’s unknown time between womb and tomb may be 30 years (to roundly suggest), while the other individual’s unknown time between womb and tomb may be 60 years. So, if both lose a combined absolute amount of 5 years per another forcefully transferring his/her burden of responsibility and risk hence imposing, intruding, intervening, inferring, impounding, each actually lose the relative amounts of 16.6% versus 8.3% of respective life-spans of 30 versus 60 years. The criminal, private, social, electoral, political or military nature of force does not change the equation, nor if voluntary, for the absolute as well relative amounts of human time lost are the same consistently. Although to critically distinguish, the use of force always gives rise to an ethical dilemma whether recognized as such or not, while nonexistent if voluntary.


And so fuck you, merci beaucoup, your intentions strewn
Quite cruel at core, though “good” as boasted then crooned
Masses jejune, by it easily swooned, yet a few or remnant
Of odd raiment, curious drink as well eccentric temperament

(Empirical oppose to imperial, logical oppose to fantastical
Reasonable versus irresponsible, ethical versus egotistical
Flawed of course per human propensities to err and excess
The chutzpah upon force as often sarcastically obsessed)

Lies are truths, truths are lies, reaffirmed if asserted twice
Recited thrice to suffice vogue hysterics pining for paradise
Arbitrarily rooted, emotionally instituted, hatefully refuted
Every critical consideration maniacally deemed as ill suited

Covetousness reeking, Preoccupation seeking, Possession
Oblique’ing, of course, per Elation piquing by the Pretention
Clamorous for more, amorous tho’ hoar, Moderation abhorred
As Psychosis’ lovely folklores slur Narcissism’s post-wars


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2019 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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