Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What should be an individual's highest priority thus responsibility?

Pretending for a moment the Socialist platform is moral and sustainable, what should be an individual's highest priority thus responsibility? Demanding rights to certain goods and services provided by others? Or providing certain goods and services to others demanding rights? May an individual rightfully cease to be responsible so to demand certain goods and services provided by others? May all individuals rightfully cease to be responsible? If demanding rights to certain goods and services provided by others, why not demand rights to all goods and services? And lastly, to be fair or equal, may all individuals demand rights to all goods and services, and if all are demanding all, then who would be the others providing if not other nations conquered to provide?

Obviously, logic's answers ironically lurk amid the questions' absurdities. Assuming the human propensity towards the "path of least resistance" thus the inevitable transition from most providing to most demanding, who among the Socialist elite will determine then force those who must be providing while favoring those who insist on demanding? As already implied, Socialism is a process of the politically conquered providing to the politically favored demanding. A process at first enforced within borders, then a process that spreads beyond if militarily possible, so to feebly sustain a bit longer. At this lovely juncture, who among the Socialist elite will be presumptuously bold enough to deceptively announce "All is now fair and equal!"

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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