Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Economics is not a preference but a praxeological science.

First, economics is not a preference or (to tritely put) a flavor of the month, but a praxeological science. Second, like all other sciences, economics is the ceaseless studying, observing and understanding historically the causalities thus consistencies, or as some would say; natural laws.

Third, considering the causalities thus consistencies or natural laws (if you will) within the various sciences, all such understanding is amoral. To clarify, the mere existence and understanding of the law of gravity is amoral, it is what it is. If I step or toss a rock beyond a ledge, both I and the rock will fall. It is neither right or wrong, it just simply is. Consequently, I would be quite foolhardy to declare "The law of gravity is immoral, I shall argue for a kinder, humane law of levitation.", or worst and reckless if to encourage, as well monstrous if to force others to accept and act upon my foolishness. Yet similarly declared the popular howbeit nonscientific economics of several varieties as purported by either major party, third parties too.

I say "amoral" as far as the understanding of such things. However, to push someone off a ledge without his'her consent would be at least injurious if ignorant of the ledge or law of gravity, otherwise egregious if knowledgeable. With his/her consent, perhaps a dangerous stunt, death-defying dare or assisted suicide, regardless, no longer an ethical dilemma.

In terms of the more popular nonscientific economics, most are ignorant thus unknowingly injurious nonetheless to life, liberty and property for themselves and others. Some or few are enough knowledgeable thus purposefully injurious to others while perceiving gains or benefits for themselves in the short term, in the long term still injurious. Of course, with the consent of all involved and affected, then like before a dangerous stunt, death-defying dare or assisted suicide.

Yet there lies the ethical dilemma, for "everyone wants to the rule the world" according to their preferred nonscientific economics thus politics (i.e. use of force), caring not to ethically pursue unanimous consent.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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