Thursday, November 8, 2018

Marijuana, Presumption and Covetousness

Marijuana was once allowed, then criminalized and now allowed again, that is, in some states with Michigan as the latest. Do you think government(s) will be apologizing to those incarcerated for marijuana possession and distribution, whose lives were ruined, liberties restrained and properties confiscated tyrannically? And did it really matter the commodity in question was marijuana, Cuban cigars or chewing gum? Did it really matter the commodity in question was physically/medically beneficial versus harmful, religiously/socially acceptable versus unacceptable, or politically advantageous versus inconvenient?

We have allowed ourselves to be so conditioned (or welcomed it) we no longer question the arbitrariness nor presumption thus the gross intrusion into conducting our private lives. We have long accepted differential sale taxes, gradual income taxes, subsidies and grants to favored recipients, as well various mandates, regulations, bans, embargoes, tariffs, licenses, fees and the list goes on, all inconsistently justified and applied. Yet we hail ourselves as "free people".

I do not think people are as blind by propaganda as assumed for many years, though there are certainly elements of that of course. Rather, people are as arbitrary and presumptuous as the politicians they elect, therefore government simply mirrors the citizenry, that is to say plainly, tyranny in government reflects the tyranny in society. Many will practice "this" or abstain from "that" in their own household, yet remain oddly even perversely discontented until they petition government to force their neighbors to practice "this" or abstain from "that" as well. In this way, it is cruel, inhumane covetousness of others' liberty to live as they prefer. Interestingly, the religious right and the moral left are equal bedfellows in this oddity and perversion.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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