Monday, November 19, 2018

For some perspective

For some perspective... Anyone having (lets say) a small, modest house in the burbs, used SUV, Target wardrobe, Sam's Club food in bulk, local craft beer, affordable Chilean wine, two dogs cherished more than Mideastern children, occasional night out to a restaurant or bar, streamed movies on 32" flat-screen, cell phone 2 or 3 versions dated, laptop and matching bag, community college degree or vocational cert, are quite excessive even unimaginably greedy to most people in the world.

So what is greed again exactly? By what absolute principle condemns those with "too much" yet excuses those who claim the former as having "too much"? And what is "too much" so well defined, so well understood, so well discerned, thus divinely worthy of public slander and political confiscation? ... Who is John Galt?

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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