Friday, March 23, 2018

CONFESSION III - Study of God by Study of Man / Reprise

Most likely to be published later this spring of 2018, my 10th book currently entitled; 100 Proems & Poems on the HUMAN ABILITY to REASON, HUMAN RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover below merely a working version....

CONFESSION III - Study of God by Study of Man / Reprise

      Evolutionary sciences or theories cannot adequately propose, certainly cannot specifically demonstrate, the spawning and dawning of the Human Specie’s psychology, nor academically, defensively argue the causal transitions from subconscious to conscious states therefore gravely lacking if to expound on the obvious quantum leap from solely, vulnerably instinctive to vastly, superiorly reasonable compared to other species. Clearly, the otherwise featherless, furless, clawless, fangless as well weaker and slower, bipedal Human Specie (see No. 22) can uniquely, particularly reason within beautiful, equally perilous environments terrestrial and (recently) celestial, surviving, sustaining, then progressing, innovating, constructing, expanding far beyond all other comparatively stationary species (see No. 33).

      By the obviously, unexplainably Particular Human Psychology, Consciousness as well Ability to Reason, inseparably, the empirically, undeniably Singular Human Expectation, Prerogative, Ethic as well Right to Consent or Not Consent, the logical mind must contemplate and determine a Consideration extra-scientific, Constant or Consistency unidentified ergo Causality misunderstood. Yet indisputably, this seemingly mysterious yet quite rationally exhibited Aforementioned is not completely unknown to the Human mind and soul, un-experienced by the Human body and senses, unfelt by the Human emotion, passion as well spirit.

      Therefore, is there more imaginable effort to ignore, deny, resist or reject versus far less intellectual effort (or stretch) to recognize, allow, assist or accept further inquiry into the Extra-natural at least, at most the Supernatural. Yet, some force extra-natural fails per the Design Reasonable or Design by Reason, affirming Someone not Something Supernatural reasoning from preexistence to existence as well post-existence, hence Extra-finite if not Infinite even Eternal, that is to say quite precisely, preferably; God was, is and will be. The tangibly physiological science of diverse kinds capably suggests the pursuit, while the intangibly praxeological science of various sorts logically demands it. The latter superiorly contend over the former pursuit for as God the Creator infinitely reasoned thus consented to create unlimitedly, so naturally mimics each Human of Creation finitely reasoning thus consenting to create however limitedly.


Study of God by study of man, to mindlessly twine not
Yet to mindfully resign, humbly, upon empirical thought
O the human fraught `twixt and `tween womb and tomb
Still, fixed to glean the Self-evidence o’er Utopian doom


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Copyright © 2016-2018 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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