Monday, April 2, 2018

CONDEMNATION III - Casting One Last Castigation

Most likely to be published later this spring of 2018, my 10th book currently entitled; 100 Proems & Poems on the HUMAN ABILITY to REASON, HUMAN RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover below merely a working version....

CONDEMNATION III - Casting One Last Castigation ~

      The Five Castigations in the previous Condemnation II, of course the featured 100 Proems & Poems, as well the cantos of the Abandoned Project, can be easily summarized if not already understood concisely at this juncture. For each installment share and state one Ethic thus Right applicable to all actions and activities involving two or more individuals, therefore an ethical dilemma consistently arises when transgressed, while unrecognized per the intentional or unintentional shrouding by the deviant or delusional among polity and democracy, society and popularity, majority and minority, economy and industry, clergy and laity, and more.

      Christian-Americans are no exception, that is, brutally deviant and balefully delusional as Other-Americans, in stark contrast to New Testament theology and theme, Apostolical gospel and creed, as well Christly narratives accurately quoted or remotely paraphrased. With that said, each person’s conscious and confession are private matters, consequently between God and man. However between individuals, Christian-Americans have claimed distinction in society, but retained none in actuality, historically and persistently disrespecting and disregarding the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, inseparably the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent.


Imposition resisted thereafter the proposition dissented
Presumption insisted upon the justification hence twisted
Covetousness encysted for tightfisted so the propensities
Depravity’s totalities; errors, excesses, Sin’s immensities


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Copyright © 2016-2018 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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