Tuesday, April 11, 2017

American Empire is preparing its Imperial Legions

Once again, the American Empire is preparing its Imperial Legions to invade (note) and destroy "another" country while taunting and antagonizing other(s), heralding causes without presenting substantiated evidences, just like the 2013 chemical and 2003 WMD allocations, quite similar to the the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin and 1941 Pearl Harbor embellished incidences (note). Meanwhile, the Roman mob idol-worship either empire or emperor as well the holy flag and writ, appeased and bribed by bread tossed into the coliseum crowd per an array of social programs, government contracts, moral regulations, public amenities, and more... May God have mercy on this warmongering Christian nation!

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

First. Many distinguish between air/drone strikes versus boots-on-the-ground, calling the latter war or invasion, when both or all are invasions to victims of US presumptions. Second.Gulf of Tonkin and Pearl Harbor were exaggerations of actual events for the sole purpose of inciting support for foreign wars. Roosevelt claimed in his infamous 1941 speech "The United States was at peace with that nation", excusing of course the US naval blockade of Japan's oil shipping routes, otherwise seen by most as acts of war. Yet still, Americans continue to trust the US government with their already politically trampled property, privacy, liberty even life.

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