Friday, April 7, 2017

Peace in Syria!

But (my country) United States lusts for wars, more wars amid rumors of wars with an unquenchable blood-thirst...

Obama was pushing for war in Syria, even dropped 3000 bombs in 2016 among the 26,000 bombs total in the Mideast region that included 6 other countries. The former president funneled money and weaponry as well to the Syrian government's opposition that ended up in the hands of terrorists. Yet still, he retains his 2009 Nobel Peace prize (of course, a meaningless accolade).

Trump, not to be out done by Bush or Obama's warmongering, has now escalated the war in Syria in response to alleged use of chemicals by the Syrian president, as alleged and without evidence as the same allocation several years ago. Quite similar to the charge against Hussein's alleged WMDs, also never proven.

For almost two decades there has been constant war, or wars plural, waged by the US Axis of Warmongers; Bush, Obama and Trump, with partisan as well bipartisan support even praise. If criticized by other politicians, only for not doing enough warmongering. I must say however, one man, former US Representative Ron Paul, consistently spoke against this prevailing violent mood in Congress, but no one lend him an ear.

Where are the protests in streets or on campuses, the investigative reporting by US major media, the charges of war crimes against Bush, Obama and Trump? There are none, for as long Americans are pacified by social programs and promises for more, as long they are free to rant and riot over far lesser issues, they care little about the US government's monstrosities in foreign lands.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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