Thursday, March 30, 2017

Why All Protectionists Are Essentially Luddites

"Either way – trade with a baker, or my use of the incredible bread machine – I get bread in exchange for less labor than I would have to use to supply myself with bread were I unable to trade with a baker or to use this machine... What difference does it make if labor is saved by dealing directly with a machine or with another human being?"

See link for entire article by Donald J. Boudreaux.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Broken thus Restrained Government

I applaud the Democrats in their plans to "not give an inch" to President Trump and the Republicans. I also applauded the Republicans doing the same towards President Obama and the Democrats.

Then, the media critically declared the Government as "broken", though as biased they are, no mention of it now. A "broken" Government then and now, however, is a "restrained" Government, just as (very) few Founding Fathers hoped it would be. A broken thus restrained Government translates to less legislation passed, by so doing (or not doing), slowing a bit the otherwise ever growing list of laws, regulations, taxes, etc.

Consequently, a broken thus restrained Government preserves Individual Life, Liberty and Property a bit longer, until politicians resume their bipartisanship which is code for collusion. Functionally, bipartisanship is one step away from a one-party system.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Government omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent

Common acolytes, temple prostitutes and elite priests blindly adore and praise their presidential messiahs (i.e. Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, etc), divided over doctrinal trifles into two political sects of one common religion called Statism, worshiping one common god called Government literally and parasitically aspiring by great presuming force to be omnipresent, omniscient  and omnipotent.
However, gravely ignored the empirical prophecy if you will, the inevitably unsustainable Tower of Babel, collapsing amid mass confusion per language so completely confounded by years, decades and centuries of deceitfully revised history, redefined vocabulary, reconstructed logic thus perversely remodeled ideas, principles even rights and morality.
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Are there any Americans who care?

US Airstrikes Kill Civilans in Mosul (see link/article). Are there any Americans who care?

Or the preoccupying concerns are more about Putin-Trump communications, ObamCare versus TrumpCare, president's personal character, getting tough on leaks and whistle-blowers, silencing different views on campuses, travel bans, immigration, border fence, free tuition, debt cancellation, other gimmes, etc.

The Bush-Obama-Trump Imperial Wars continue to maim and kill Mideastern fathers, mothers, grandparents, students, children, infants born and unborn, as disturbingly few Americans give a damn.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Why the economic articles or comments...

Why the economic articles or comments like the previous post given I'm a poet you ma ask, because human activities consist of all sorts intimate, private, social, public, including economical. So intertwined even interdependent are all human activities, one cannot contemplate freedom of the arts without freedom of economics, freedom of speech or expression without freedom of economics, freedom of religion or conscience without freedom of economics, freedom of travel or pleasure without freedom of economics, freedom of various pursuits vocational and professional without freedom of economics, and one cannot contemplate possible peace without freedom of all of these.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

How can government officials determine...

As posted by the Mises Wire, Christopher P. Casey writes...

"How can government officials determine how many runways an airport requires or how long or to where a pipeline should extend absent prices? Without private property, which generates prices and correspondingly, profit and loss, an economic fog descends which clouds all decision making. In this context, government officials determining infrastructure spending are no different than a Soviet official deciding how much wheat to plant, which shoes and shoe sizes should be produced, or how much caviar to pull from the Caspian Sea. And the results will be the same."

See link/site for entire article...

Monday, March 20, 2017

The propensity to compose lists of morals and rights

The propensity to compose lists of morals and rights, to conjure proportionately longer lists of criminal laws, behavioral/regulatory codes and social justices, have been among the gravest of misunderstandings throughout history, undermining even trampling the actual ONE since the first encounter of two or more; the human ability to reason thus the individual right to CONSENT or NOT CONSENT.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

US "imperial" boots on the ground in Syria

It is good to see others (see link/video) in addition to Ron Paul making the same critical assessment against US interventionism/militarism. With US "imperial" boots on the ground in Syria that will only exacerbate an already dire situation, suddenly the US media went silent on the matter. Yet during Caesar Obama's final weeks, there was much talk by him as well the media, all supportive of an US invasion (lets call it what it is) of Syria, in addition to the wars he already was waging. Unfortunately, now invaded by Caesar Trump and his legions, the American Empire continues to expand along with the silence. Of all the reasons imaginable to protest, this would far exceed them all.

RT America video: Syrians say ‘please leave us alone’ – Elizabeth Kucinich

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

America's drone program is such a disgrace.

"America's drone program is such a disgrace. Military pilots sitting at computer screens obliterating other human beings on the other side of the world in video game fashion."

Seek link for entire article by Chris Rossini...

Personal Note:
The axis of evil if you will, the American Axis of Warmongering; Bush, Obama and now Trump.

Monday, March 13, 2017

It is not as trendy or cool

To Mr Zedd (see link/video) and all other short-sighted musicians, artists, actors, journalists, activists, etc.... Instead of a concert or an event protesting against President Trump's travel bans towards those of certain countries (by the way, a longstanding practice even by President Obama), why not something more meaningful, more practical, like a concert or an event against US warmongering in the very same countries banned for travel.

When speaking against popular, bipartisan yet illogical thus unethical US wars, it is not as trendy or cool, and it may require more thought, more commitment, perhaps more sacrifice (remember Dixie Chicks).

Video by Zedd

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

A Poem by Carl Sandburg

EXPLANATIONS OF LOVE by Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)

There is a place where love begins and a place
where love ends.

There is a touch of two hands that foils all dictionaries.

There is a look of eyes fierce as a big Bethlehem open hearth
furnace or a little green-fire acetylene torch.

There are single careless bywords portentous as a
big bend in the Mississippi River.

Hands, eyes, bywords–out of these love makes
battlegrounds and workshops.

There is a pair of shoes love wears and the coming
is a mystery.

There is a warning love sends and the cost of it
is never written till long afterward.

There are explanations of love in all languages
and not one found wiser than this:

There is a place where love begins and a place
where love ends—and love asks nothing.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

As extremists/students are waging war

First, thanks to FEE for exposing such stories (see link/article), I have not seen this particular story elsewhere. I recommend reading the entire article.

As extremists/students are waging war (literally) against freedom of speech on college campuses, apparently the government is waging war against freedom of information (ironic, read the entire article). But then, publicly funded schools and universities are in fact already longstanding warmongers (if you will) against unfiltered proliferation of knowledge, facts, education, competing ideas, history (oppose to state-version thereof) and so on.

Consequently, due to the latter, the former should not be so surprising I suppose. :-)

When Equal Access Means Zero Access for All, by Brittany Hunter

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

La Mariposa de Matilde

Poem taken from my 7th book THE THIRD FALL OF RACE BROOK - A POETIC NOVEL & POEMS FOR J (May 2015)... I wrote it while in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, in a 2nd floor apartment, looking down on la esquina de las calles Alsina y Euzkadi, sidewalks wet from soft rain, the window sill reserving my glass of wine, while low music perforated the walls from another room, and then...

15 August 2012
Metaphorically, to the love shared by Matilde Urrutia and Pablo Neruda.
Las sombras revolotean por los ojos
When thoughts levitate like ghosts
Vacillating o’er the conscious coast
`Twixt heedfulness and heedlessness
While she speeds in mind to peruse
A muse, igual a la mariposa delicada
Con alas inquisitivas, thus dividing
The air per each striding of pinions
Scattering miniature minions so soft
Allaying his inions aloft to waft
O the laugh in their tears and fears
Ergo love’s panging in avid hanging
Still worth the arranging of passions
Ay las razones misteriosas del amor
Las epístolas del ador son escritas
On souls-as-fetuses as epic treatises
Upon their flesh, bedewed fresh
Tress drenched, her dress cinched
Per his intents entrenched arabesque
Fitly convinced by their erotic odes
Then strident modes in silent codes
And throes of thighs versus loins
To conjoin, to disjoin, to adjoin
Anterior to posterior, lusting fierce
Terse to slow and low immersing
Submerging in inquisitive satin
As passé Latin, tongues unknown
Briny moans or groans under gown
(Los gemidos líricos entre los muslos
Y los poemas silenciosos, as tattoos)
Via stammering lips as their sweat
Condones, so consoles liken wings
And flings of Matilde’s butterfly

Now "but a dream within a dream" some one hundred years ago or more, or so it seems when I open my eyes.

As a middle-age white male in America

As a middle-age white male in America, may I suggest there are some of us who are not that bad, given the currently volatile even violent political/social mood(s). Just food for thought... :-)

Lets slow down a bit, share a bottle of good whiskey, and simply talk on any or all things agreeable or similar as well disagreeable or different, respectively of course, as ladies and gentlemen.
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

TRES CIUDADES por Federico García Lorca

TRES CIUDADES por Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)

Malagueña - A Pilar Zubiaurre

La muerte
entra y sale
de la taberna.

Pasan caballos negros
y gente siniestra
por los hondos caminos
de la guitarra.

Y hay un olor a sal
y a sangre de hembra,
en los nardos febriles
de la marina.

La muerte
entra y sale
y sale y entra
la muerte
de la taberna.
Barrio de Córdoba - Tópico Nocturno

En la casa se defienden
de las estrellas.
La noche se derrumba.
Dentro hay una niña muerta
con una rosa encarnada
oculta en la cabellera.
Seis ruiseñores la lloran
en la reja.

Las gentes van suspirando
con las guitarras abiertas.

La Carmen está bailando
por las calles de Sevilla.
Tiene blancos los cabellos
y brillantes las pupilas.

corred las cortinas!

En su cabeza se enrosca
una serpiente amarilla,
y va soñando en el baile
con galanes de otros días.

corred las cortinas!

Las calles están desiertas
y en los fondos se adivinan,
corazones andaluces
buscando viejas espinas.

corred las cortinas!

Painting by the Spanish artist Joan Abelló (1922-2008).

Monday, March 6, 2017

LA GUITARRA por Federico García Lorca

LA GUITARRA por Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)

Empieza el llanto
de la guitarra.
Se rompen las copas de la madrugada.
Empieza el llanto de la guitarra.
Es inútil callarla.
Es imposible callarla.
Llora monótona
como llora el agua,
como llora el viento
sobre la nevada.
Es imposible callarla.
Llora por cosas
Arena del Sur caliente
que pide camelias blancas.
Llora flecha sin blanco,
la tarde sin mañana,
y el primer pájaro muerto
sobre la rama.
!Oh guitarra!
Corazón malherido
por cinco espadas.

Painting by Salvador Dali (1904-1989), entitled Pierrot And Guitar, both poem and painting of the 1920s.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Peace is not Dead.

Peace is not Dead. It just seems so after 1 1/2 decades of US Warmongering abroad during Bush/Obama administrations, with further expansion proposed by President Trump, in parallel to increasing Police-Statism here. Yet, be that as it may, let us begin to Reason, for Peace is always a Choice. Always!

Thursday, March 2, 2017


US AXIS of WARS; as presided by warmongers George W. Bush, Barack Obama and now Donald Trump...

Usually, the political metaphor "axis" is reserved for 3 or more countries aligned for some common "evil" or aggression.With that said, United States have steadily increased it's military budget for decades, exponentially during Bush and Obama administrations, as well expanded into many countries per several actual wars and war-making, as well war-funding of others' conflicts, and general war-festering/inciting by political rhetoric, weaponry proliferation and base construction.

US military budget is now greater than the next 7 governments combined, some charts show up to 9 or 10 countries, while President Trump plans to increase it further. By this sort of monstrous expenditure for military aggression, this makes United States an "axis" on it's own.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.