Wednesday, March 15, 2017

US "imperial" boots on the ground in Syria

It is good to see others (see link/video) in addition to Ron Paul making the same critical assessment against US interventionism/militarism. With US "imperial" boots on the ground in Syria that will only exacerbate an already dire situation, suddenly the US media went silent on the matter. Yet during Caesar Obama's final weeks, there was much talk by him as well the media, all supportive of an US invasion (lets call it what it is) of Syria, in addition to the wars he already was waging. Unfortunately, now invaded by Caesar Trump and his legions, the American Empire continues to expand along with the silence. Of all the reasons imaginable to protest, this would far exceed them all.

RT America video: Syrians say ‘please leave us alone’ – Elizabeth Kucinich

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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