Thursday, March 2, 2017


US AXIS of WARS; as presided by warmongers George W. Bush, Barack Obama and now Donald Trump...

Usually, the political metaphor "axis" is reserved for 3 or more countries aligned for some common "evil" or aggression.With that said, United States have steadily increased it's military budget for decades, exponentially during Bush and Obama administrations, as well expanded into many countries per several actual wars and war-making, as well war-funding of others' conflicts, and general war-festering/inciting by political rhetoric, weaponry proliferation and base construction.

US military budget is now greater than the next 7 governments combined, some charts show up to 9 or 10 countries, while President Trump plans to increase it further. By this sort of monstrous expenditure for military aggression, this makes United States an "axis" on it's own.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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