Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Removing third parties from the ballot...

Many Republicans are pushing for removal of the Libertarian Party from the ballot, in parallel many Democrats are pushing similarly for removal of the Green Party from the ballot. Interesting, for both have accused each other of attempted manipulation of the upcoming election; nothing more than diversionary theatrics of course. With that said, the bipartisan collusion therefore conspiracy are oddly ignored or readily dismissed although easily discerned as well remedied.

Obviously, by eliminating competition per exclusion of third parties, Democrats and Republicans can better control elections so to continue monopolizing government powers thus enjoying political benefits and favors. To further substantiate the collusion therefore conspiracy, consider the amount of legislation passed in 2020, with significant bipartisan support as various fierce dramas (well written by the way) preoccupied (and still does) the media and citizenry even some experientially naïve among polity. This too oddly ignored or readily dismissed although easily discerned as well remedied.

To perpetuate the ongoing theme, rescission mitigates even negates by reducing some government powers while removing other government powers, the sole incentive for such bold corruption.

The Rescissionist aka D.C. Quillan Stone

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