Tuesday, September 1, 2020

If to imagine as governor of Mississippi...

If to imagine as governor of Mississippi, how one should logically, ethically, sustainably vow and proceed?

1. Veto ALL legislation. Sign ALL Rescission.
2. Cap ALL government budgets until performed an one-year analysis then proposals to systematically rescind and significantly reduce the same.
3. Propose any or all legal measures available to forever disallow state/local governments shutting down the economy, that is, declare illegal and inhumane the prevention of anyone to work, earn and provide for oneself and family.
4. Rightly expand then appropriately support Castle Law as well the general Right to Defend one's Life, Liberty and Possession/Property as individually deemed necessary, therefore assumed justifiable unless well proven otherwise beyond all shadows of doubt. Therefore parallel and critical; jury nullification as "palladium of liberty" as profoundly argued by Lysander Spooner (1808-1887).
5. Pursue and negotiate further state autonomy, passing on to local  governments and communities the same.
6. Declare wars on foreign soil and drugs as abhorrent and destructive to all people here and abroad.
7. Respect and Regard as fundamentally paramount for all Individuals the one natural law, the one practical ethic, the one actual right; to Consent or Dissent on all matters.

... Just to name a few.

The Rescissionist aka D.C. Quillan Stone

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Personal note... At each volatile, violent juncture as encountered presently, there arises an irresistible allure to strengthen government so to reestablish civility, safety thus incrementally expanding a bit further the very cause and core of the problem; political power. As political power expands, so increases the political struggle to control it, as well the possibility of violent seizure. Amidst the inevitable violent struggle within the sociopolitical upheaval, widespread fear encourages a general willingness to support a totalitarian solution.

As much rescission seems counter-intuitive at such times, it is the only logical as well ethical correction.

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