Saturday, August 28, 2021

A documentary worthy of one's time... The Genius of George Boole...

A documentary worthy of one's time...

"That logic, as a science, is susceptible of very wide applications is admitted; but it is equally certain that its ultimate forms and processes are mathematical."

George Boole (1815-1864)

Self-taught as mathematician, philosopher, logician, as well first professor of mathematics at Queen's College, Cork. He developed what became known as Boolean Algebra and/or Logic, later used by Claude Shannon (1916-2001) to establish Digital Circuit Design Theory in 1937, then Theory of Communication in 1948.

As I stated in an earlier post... In preparation for my next book, I am studying logic or laws of thought by various ancient, classical as well modern logicians/syllogists. While many may see the applications for mathematics, physics, mechanics, hydro and aero dynamics, information theories (my other profession) and all other sciences of course, therefore the endless discoveries of observable constants and determinable consistencies, I also see ethics or to state more accurately thus clearly the singular ethic.

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