Monday, August 30, 2021

12th Book on Ability to Reason, Right to Consent; Proposition, Problem & Poem No. 211

Most likely to be published later this summer of 2022, my 12th book entitled appropriately; Propositions, Problems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the 10th and 11th books...


~ Peculiarity, Uniqueness, Distinction ~

            As much the human specie possesses the peculiar or unique ability to reason among nonhuman, instinctive species, so simultaneously even inseparably possesses the constant prerogative and the consistent preference to consent or dissent therefore to accept or reject, to agree or disagree, to tolerate (suffer) or refuse, to continue or discontinue at the conclusive end of each and every reasoning sequence.

In parallel, as much nonhuman, instinctive species possess not the peculiar or unique ability to reason, so simultaneously even inseparably possesses not the constant prerogative nor the consistent preference to consent or dissent therefore to accept or reject, to agree or disagree, to tolerate (suffer) or refuse, to continue or discontinue, else the possessions of such lesser magnitude rendering comparisons inconsequential thus irrelevant (as proposed in Proem & Poem No. 33).

Then it is appropriate to infer so to clarify, the individual simultaneously even inseparably possesses the following three. Firstly the individual possesses the characteristic human as the specie within the genus of all other living species. Secondly the individual possesses the peculiar or unique ability to reason. Thirdly the individual possesses the constant prerogative and the consistent preference to consent or dissent therefore to accept or reject, to agree or disagree, to continue or discontinue, to tolerate (suffer) or refuse at the conclusive end of each and every reasoning sequence.

 Reversely engineered if you will, to consent or dissent is prerogative or preference, then to prefer is reason, and ultimately, to reason is human, as introduced per Proem & Poem Nos. 22-24, 33, 34 from the book 100 Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, Singular Human Right to Consent & Other Neglected Matters.

It would then be logically prudent to ask further, could it be the human specie's aforesaid peculiarity or uniqueness if intervened, interfered, interrupted or inhibited by another, would likewise ill mitigate even negate the one distinction among other nonhuman, instinctive species therefore reduce or remove the human characteristic. In so doing, the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason along with human propensity, prerogative, preference, purpose thus the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on ALL matters, are intervened, interfered, interrupted or inhibited quite inhumanely.


Of womb until tomb, each man starts as every man departs
Life imparts before death, toils amid else tumultuously apart
Infants decry forepart, whilst elders assay the observed verities
Alas, the Labyrinth’s terse respites, wine’s verses or clarities

Hence study, ponder, labor `twixt the endeavors longstanding
Albeit experiences longsuffering, ever befitting, often blessings
From sticks to bricks, plows to circuits, cavern walls to books
The mind well reasoned per errors upon efforts since tenderfoot


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2022 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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