Saturday, April 11, 2020

Pandemicism and Socialism, Fear and Promise... Fascist States of America

What endless wars on inculcated terrorism could not do, a war on indoctinated pandemicism will; a nationally socialistic Fascist government, a Fascist States of America if you will.

For context, my definitions...

PANDEMICISM, similar to Militarism or Police-Statism, is the promulgation and propaganda of reoccurring or perpetual pandemics for the sole purpose to incite and excite a persisting fear among citizenry towards dependency therefore fealty upon the polity. As demonstrated by recent events in this country (US) and elsewhere, a quite effective means to any of the numerous totalitarian ends. Hence forthcoming more intrusive even inhuman measures to monitor and control people in the name of health and safety.

SOCIALISM, as I see it (though some will disagree with my simplicity), is merely TOSSED BREAD to the ROMAN MOB. For any power acquired requires as prerequisite power brokered then exchanged. Totalitarians can only be so empowered if sufficiently supported by enough people benefited or pacified by promised then delivered arrangements. Social programs are such arrangements.

Thus by fear then promise comes...

FASCISM, not the racially driven nationalism as popularly misunderstood, rather an economically driven nationalism first and foremost. It is the regulatory "top-down" control of the economy, having the appearance "on paper alone" of private ownership of production, property and possession, having the appearance "on paper alone" of private exercise of preference and person, but total economic control nonetheless. Racism, Pandemicism, Militarism, Police-Statism, Paternalism, Monetarism, Centralism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism and more, are all means if perceived as expeditious to such economically totalitarian ends.

CRONYISM, rarely seen nor critiqued as Fascism per the partial implementation thereof incrementally since 1913 (at least), however paving well the way to complete maturation. John T. Flynn's 1944 book "As We Go Marching" is one of several books that historically illustrates the digression.

Historic Note:
The disturbing 1941 photo does not seem so coincidental anymore. Until 1942, the Bellamy Salute was widely used in US classrooms. It is also interesting and not so coincidental as well, the Pledge of Allegiance as we mostly know it today was composed by the Christian minister albeit fervid Socialist Francis Bellamy.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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