Sunday, April 5, 2020

I do and would trust those in government for at least 7 reasons or ways...

Per my usual distrust of government over the years, I've been questioned numerous times and of late, more so; is there ever an issue or time I would trust government, rather, those in government?

Certainly, I do and would trust those in government for at least 7 reasons or ways self-evident and quite observable, as enumerated and explained below...

1. I trust those in government are as innately thus unavoidably self-interested as I am.

 2. I trust those in government are as innately thus unavoidably non-omnipresent, non-omniscient thus non-omnipotent as I am.

3. I trust those in government are as innately thus unavoidably incapable of superior knowledge and divine wisdom as I am.

4. I trust those in government are as innately thus unavoidably prone towards error and excess philosophically or given towards depravity theologically as I am.

5, I trust those in government are as innately thus unavoidably susceptible to covetousness, envy, lust and greed as I am.

6. I trust those in government are as innately thus unavoidably vulnerable to confusion, irrationality, fear and panic as I am.

7. Yet unlike me, those in government are empowered to exercise force with little to no restraint, endowed to confiscate then consume resource with little to no accountability, while I am expected to honor them, obey them, grant them, allow them, indulge them, underwrite them and if required, tolerate them and endure them. Consequently, I trust those in government are as innately thus unavoidably corruptible in proportion to exercised force and confiscated then consumed resource hence collusive, conniving, capricious, careless, callous even calamitous as I would with such unrestrained empowerment and unaccountable endowment.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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