Wednesday, April 8, 2020

One of several subtle ways to say "f-ck you!" to federal, state and local governments

Steppin' out with fedora, tie and shades as I prefer even to merely run late afternoon errands. My one of several subtle ways to say "f-ck you!" to federal, state and local governments for their unprecedented, fascist-esque presumption of power.

Still I notice store clerks, pharmacists, delivery drivers, and others working among large number of customers, thus not social distancing, not exclusively hibernating in their homes, most not wearing masks as well. Simple logic would suggest statistical "surges, spikes, tipping points" of Biblical proportions among these categories socially high risk towards this allegedly pandemic contagion. Yet, conveniently there are no such breakdown of numbers.

My prayers for those hardest hit in the Memphis area by this goddamn economic shutdown; bartenders, waiters/waitresses, chefs, cooks, managers/owners, musicians and many others. The ripple effect is far reaching beyond what is seen, if to consider businesses that supply goods and services for restaurant/nightclub businesses. So I pray for government to rescind, rescind then rescind some more.

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