Thursday, January 30, 2020

President Trump impeached, tried, for what exactly?

19 years of inhumane warmongering, and President Trump is impeached by the House, now being tried by the Senate, over what exactly?

"I think you could reach in a bag and pull so many things out that are impeachable of this president." as Ms Ocasio-Cortez once smirked while smug during a podcast interview. When pushed to name three, she first identified "emoluments", then "tax fraud" followed by "um, man, number three?" out of her "bag of so many things that are impeachable". She is not alone by such claims bordering slander, lacking evidence upon grave inconsistency else simply vague. And she is clearly not alone by conveniently excluding the current president's inhumane warmongering as impeachable.

The impeachment mob postures boldly with great indignation per some undefined moral ground while equally lacking actual morality. For if so truly driven, should they and we not at least question Trump, Obama, Bush, along with their political war-hawk cronies if not stand trial.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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