Monday, January 27, 2020

Impeachment trial arguments

Impeachment trial arguments regarding aid to Ukraine are arbitrary at best, completely political. For both parties have supported on many known as well unknown occasions the denying and providing of aid to another country's government for the sole purpose to bribe, influence, collude, manipulate even coerce for political gain.

If driven by principle, denying any country of US aid for any reason, particularly military funding, should never be a crime, while providing any country of US aid for any reason, particularly military funding, should always be a crime. A president or congressional member should be charged and convicted on this basis alone else not at all.

Of course, the far graver constitutional crisis still conveniently ignored by government, media and people; the nearly 20 years of inhumane warmongering thus mass slaughter, mass destruction causing one of the largest mass migration in history.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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