Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Godfrey Bloom interviewed by Claudio Grass

Godfrey Bloom interviewed by Claudio Grass.....

"Public sector employees, academics, mainstream media, the political and bureaucratic establishment are lined up against ordinary working people. Butchers, bakers, mechanics, cab drivers, hairdressers, small businessmen, over 17 million of them, sent a strong and united message and showed where the division lines are really drawn in the nation.

The Times of London, the BBC and others are still campaigning for Remain. Even now, they still can’t accept the will of the electorate. And yet, ordinary folk are less divided than ever before in peacetime. But ordinary people don’t control the levers of power, and they don’t get to write headlines or determine the narrative that’s being promoted."

Godfrey Bloom

For entire interview...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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