Wednesday, September 27, 2017

MY ALLEGIANCE - The Abandoned Project / Canto V

Most likely to be published sometime in latter 2017 or early 2018, my 10th book currently entitled; 100 Proems & Poems on the HUMAN ABILITY to REASON, HUMAN RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included (in the bonus section) upon further editing, and front cover below merely a working version....

CANTO V - Germ of Hatred and War

That this system (see previous poem/quotes) results only
in setting all branches of commerce as enemies against
one another, in nourishing among nations a germ of
hatred and of war...

Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (statesman, 1727-1781)
The Turgot Collection (book)

Video and audio as per bite then babble
Regurgitation by the inconsistent samples
Arbitrary ramble for convenient scandal
By the federalist and centralist conjoined
Hence whoring within the corporatist's loins
All swaddling in blood-spangled banners
Coveting then suckling in various manners
Of individual glamor by private labor
(Skill along hammer, corn among coins
Human actions enjoin the mortal threads
Ah, sweat on forehead, callous on hands
No malice, instead, plow in vested land)
Rather, laws are read, as few sages expected
Yet the dread unavoidable, dead inevitable
“O say”, the claimers, defamers, emulators
Hence simulators of manufactured threats
For factories of debt, to array the brakes
Withal minion drakes, to take and to carry
By ferry so to tarry, the youth thus honed
As clones devoted and humans demoted
From souls thrown in units by death-row
Anon strewn as pillars cold in ruins of old
Broken collaterally as tokens, unilaterally
Per unspoken reasons smoked, seasoned
Fitly proclaimed o'er patriotic flames
Gamed then maimed, hence later famed
The sons and daughters as fallen heroes
Yet earlier as fodder amid war's sorrows
(While alma maters overflowed bacchanal)
Shit! two incalculable goddamn costs
Twain streams lost, one mortally eternal
Whilst another as materially temporal
Regrettably, the latter unrecoverable
Lamentably, the former unforgivable
O fuck the curse of fettered commerce
Thus reverse by emancipation's converse
To free the market is to free the people

Alas peace's potential!
¡Ay paz potencialmente!

…of which even the lightest effects are a thousand times more
costly to the people, more destructive of wealth, population
and happiness, than all those paltry mercantile profits which
people fancy they will ensure benefit the nations which allow
themselves to be misled.

Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (statesman, 1727-1781)
The Turgot Collection (book)


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Copyright © 2016-2017 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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