Sunday, April 24, 2022

Vox Humana Vox Dei Non

Vox Humana Vox Dei Non... See link for my weekly article at SubStack.

As logically noted by Aristotle (384-322 BC) per the section Posterior Analytics of his work Organon…

"Now since the required ground of our knowledge---i.e. of our conviction---of a fact is the possession of such a syllogism... and the ground of the syllogism is the facts constituting its premises, we must not only know the primary premises---some if not all---beforehand, but know them better than the conclusion... So since the primary premises are the cause of our knowledge---i.e. of our conviction---it follows that we know them better---that is, are more convinced of them---than their consequences, precisely our knowledge of the latter is the effect of our knowledge of the premises."

Mere conclusions (i.e. outcomes) are the priorities of the 21st century mind, often to the exclusion of the laborious, arduous yet necessary process(es) of premises, observations, evidences, tests, determinations, propositions, syllogisms (logic), consistencies, ethics and more. Consequently, the adult mind remains entirely adolescent, far too deficient to exercise any meaningful analysis particularly complex as well regularly simplistic even commonly routine....

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