Sunday, April 25, 2021

Quote by Aristotle from his work Organon...

"Thus 'positives' and 'privatives' do not belong to that class of contraries which consists of those which have no intermediate. On the other hand, they do not belong either to that class which consists of contraries which have an intermediate... In the case of 'positives' and 'privatives', however, change in both directions is impossible."

Aristotle (384–322 BC)

As stated in the text Categoriae as part of his work entitled Organon.

Yet government attempts just that routinely by proposing then legislating alleged positives riddled unavoidably with privatives quite detrimental per both the privatives themselves as well the enforcements thereof as driven by individual and collective ignorance, inexperience, arrogance, deviance, consistently preceded of course by individual and collective covetousness then presumption.

Regardless the promulgated positives, the intended or unintended privatives will often be in forms of taxation, confiscation, regulation, sanction, prohibition, and more heinous the negation of one actual right in favor of another conjured right. How maddening, for in the same motion and direction toward these blazoned positives or postured benefits as proposed, are at start the disguised or redefined privatives and at end the ignored or neglected detriments.

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