Saturday, April 3, 2021

Article by Prince Michael von Liechtenstein...

And in the below excerpt of the article lies the "rot at core" of the dilemma; there will be no end to the tyranny...

"However, the eagerness to impose consecutive lockdowns may suggest a certain degree of satisfaction in the power that the executive branch now wields. In many instances, parliaments have passed laws that add to government purview and reduce their own role in the democratic process... For example, in 1991, Germany levied a special solidarity charge on income tax, known as “Soli,” to help finance the country’s reunification. Today, Germany is one again, yet the charge remains in the books and enriches the general budget."

...The German incident cited is one of many examples. So it is in United States (my country). For numerous governmental expansions occurred upon every 20th century war, never to be rescinded, quietly remaining after each "alleged" military crisis passed. Consequently, it was no surprise the infamous Patriot Act during the Bush Administration had bipartisan support then as it does now, remaining intact, unquestioned by public, whistleblowers ignored, shunned even punished, forever to be enforced. So shall it be per the despotic mandates of 2020/21 disguised as public health measures.

Article by Prince Michael von Liechtenstein...,3477,c.html

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