Friday, April 12, 2019

I fear Truth will not win this time.

Unlike the case against Daniel Ellsberg for releasing the Pentagon Papers to the public, I fear Truth will not win this time.

Government and their crony-journalists in pop-media are already making subtle even imaginary distinctions as to why Mr. Assange should be convicted and punished. For as we speak, talking heads are characterizing that a "responsible news agency" would have first consulted with the government as to which information to publish or not. Thus Assange and WikiLeaks were not responsible and were not practicing legitimate journalism. Of course this is USDA inspected bullshit (my apologies)! However, per many comments I'm already seeing online, supporters and politicians of the two major parties are quickly buying into this concocted narrative.

In retrospect, many today think most or all were against the Vietnam War. The country was politically, socially torn in various ways and magnitudes, with as many perhaps more in favor as they were against. If not for the war itself but for patriotism, the US government's foreign policies were tolerated if not supported. I remember in the news, communities, churches even in my high school classes, many were negatively labeling Mr Ellsberg as many are of Mr Assange. Though worsen over recent years and decades in my opinion, much is as it always was even since the country's founding. Hence I do not point to any "good ole days" politically in the American past. I digressed...

The Pentagon Papers as well other stories coming out Vietnam turned public opinion enough to bring the propagandized war to an end. Contrary to then, far more information have been exposed by far more whistle-blowers yet US warmongering as well surveillance continues unabated. Not only public opinion have not turned thus wars have not ended and surveillance have not stopped, this country "allowed without wincing" the Obama administration to arrest more whistle-blowers than prior administrations combined, while expanding his warmongering. So much have this been accommodated, rarely are these well-documented facts raised in critical comparison to the former president's 2009 Noble Peace prize. Although, I use Mr. Obama as an example, by no means he as commander-in-chief stands alone in view of United States' horrifically violent history.

So yes, I fear Truth will not win this time.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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